Beauty Talks with Andjelka Tomasevic
Miss Universe Serbia 2014

Andjelka Tomasevic, 21, is currently a second year student of Faculty of Tourism in Belgrade. Her hobbies include sports, acting, dancing and reading. She also has modeling experience, participation in a few humanitarian fashion shows and Serbia Fashion Week. She represented the country in Miss Earth 2013 where she made it to the Top 8. Now, she is set to fly to Doral, Miami for the 63rd annual Miss Universe pageant. Let’s get to know here more:


1237008_622606274456357_1250395942_nTell us something that most people don’t know much about you.
I love and enjoy in sports activities! I enjoy to put headset in my ears and go to the stadium and run. Thus relaxs me and it is useful fulfill of spare time. In those moments I have most beautiful imagination, and a lot of times and I bring some important decisionsthat, in the end, turn out to be the right choices. In my childhood I played folklore, and I had dancing classes.I used to practice tennis for five years, and nowadays I play recreationally. I collect jewelry. I especially love the pearls. Favourite piece in my collection are Ohrid pearls. Whenever I return from a trip I like to buy a piece of jewel.

What are the preparations that you are doing for the upcoming Miss Universe pageant?
Beside regularly workout, other necessary staffs I have to prepare for the Contest (preparing my talent, shooting, imroving english, preparing my presentation in front of jury), I am learning about Contest history. Also, even if know a lot about my country there is always chance to learn something new and present my country and myself in the best way.

Can you give us some hint on what will be your national costume?
I don’t want to reveal too much, all I can tell you is that my national costume follows Serbian tradition but also fashion trends. Let me surprise you!

Do you think that your experiences in other major international pageants will help you at Miss Universe?
Of course! Every experience is precious and it is certain that my past experiences will help to the Miss Universe contest. Also, competitions are different and original in its own way. As you know, I participated in Miss Earth Philippines. The environment is completely different fromthe one in which I will be in Miami as well as the culture of the people. But I love to learn, to gain friends so I do not doubt that this competition will be a wonderful experience for me such as the previous one.

Andjelka during her Miss Earth 2013 stint. Photo by Bong Tan/Missosology

Tell us some of your beauty secrets.
I do not have a special beauty secrets. The most deserving are good genetics, a healthy food, regular exercise and positive thinking. You know the old saying, “Your life is like your thoughts.”

What is your hometown like?
I was born in Kosovo, in a little place called Zubin Potok. I have a lot of cousins and friends there and I always love to return there. It’s a perfect place for rest with a friendly atmosphere. Now, I live in Belgrade, capital of Serbia. It’s a big city, such a different from place I grew up. There are no enough words to describe Zubin Potok and Belgrade,you have to visit to understand the love I feel for both of them.

How will you describe Serbia to your fellow candidates?
There are many things I would tell you. I’ll start from saying hi. Shaking hands when you meet each other is obligate no matter of gender. Kisses are not mandatory on first meeting, but another time you meet that person you’ll kiss him to cheak three times like Serbs do. In Serbia, we toast with homemade brandy called “rakija”, knocking glasses, eye contact and saying “Živeli”. Serbs like spicy food and big meals. Food leaves main impression to our guests Every day per week you can experience night life, for all generations, different music stiles and every budget.

What are the qualities that you possess that will make you standout at the Miss Universe contest?
I have very strong personality, unwavering and strong character. In addition, I am very persistent, that always leds me through hard work and responsibility to the goal. If I win, I know that I’ll be able to answer all the tasks that title carries.

Some people think that beauty pageants like Miss Universe are demeaning to women. Convince them that they are wrong.
First, I wonder why people think so. Beauty comes not only from outside but also inside and models, besides there are pretty, have to be good example to all girls of how education, humanity and unselfishness are important. This is something that everyone should carries carries in itself.



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