Asja Bonnie Pivk was crowned Miss Earth Slovenia 2021 during the finals held recently in Novo Mesto.
The economics student from Naklo will now represent the country at the Miss Earth 2021 virtual pageant to be held in November. She succeeded 2020 titleholder Adrijana Ojsteršek.
Her elemental court included Miss Air Ana Elez Ćiković, Miss Water Maša Pučni, and Miss Fire Tinkara Vengust.
“Srečna? Presrečna! Ponosno lahko povem, da sem postala Miss Earth Slovenije 2021. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste me na moji poti podpirali in verjeli vame! Teh občutkov se ne da opisati z besedami… Obljubim vam, da bom na svetovnem izboru Slovenijo zastopala v najboljši luči (Happy? Overjoyed! I can proudly say that I became Miss Earth Slovenia 2021. A sincere thank you to all of you who supported me on my journey and believed in me! These feelings cannot be described in words… I promise you that I will represent Slovenia in the best light at the world selection),” Pivk posted on Instagram.
Slovenia has yet to the Miss Earth crown. It currently ranks 97th in Missosology Big5 Ranking. Missosology.Org; Photos from Miss Earth Slovenia